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Ilyana is now at work on her two next books, which explore the subject of dating and relationships as well as a children’s book. Look for those in 2021! As part of her writing, she blogs to collect feedback and ideas from readers across the country. Please join others who have already submitted their thoughts and leave comments on various topics explored in the journal.

Are You Anxious Or Stressed?

If you are like most people, then you probably use the words interchangeably and think that they are the same thing. They are actually different and are treated differently. The difference is critical in that the way you would treat anxiety is the ...

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Worried About Your Health A Lot? Treating Hypochondriasis

It may resemble a series of medical complaints and check-ups. After all, you are persistent and want the best for your health. When a thorough physical exam does not show anything, maybe you opt for some comprehensive lab tests. You remember walki...

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School Violence

“One child at a time” is the scope for today’s problem of school violence. It is unacceptable, frightening, costly and misunderstood, yet it does happen. It has evolved to be part of our culture. Students are caught brining weapons into scho...

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